Discover the Magic: Transform Your Smile with Dental Veneers and Dental Vacation
Discover the Magic: Transform Your Smile with Dental Veneers and Dental Vacation Packages
At the end of high school, she took an interest in health, so she chose orthodontics. During her studies, she worked as a dental assistant with specialists, which is when she discovered her passion for endodontics.
After 5 years, she finished her bachelor degree and having received recognition for her excellent academic record she moved to Mexico City to do a year´s social service in the Endodontics post-graduate clinic at the UNAM. After 6 years, she graduated in dental surgery from the UNICACH.
After her social service, she enrolled in the Universidad Tecnológica de México (UNITEC), Marina Campus, to do a specialty in endodontics. After 2 years, during which she attended various national and international conferences, she graduated in that speciality with excellent marks.
At the moment, she resides in the city of her birth, is a professor in the post-graduate endodontics course at the UNICACH and dedicates her private practice exclusively to endodontics.
Discover the Magic: Transform Your Smile with Dental Veneers and Dental Vacation Packages
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