There’s no doubt about it; dental implants have become today’s number one choice in tooth repair.

But how much does this state of the art treatment cost? What’s the price of a dental implant? Believe it or not, the cost of an implant depends entirely on the brand. Considering that the human body doesn’t know what a brand is, one might think that it wouldn’t matter. However, some companies invest in laboratory research and clinical trials in order to ensure the best quality for their customers. Other companies simply copy the top-of-the-line name brands or use whatever patent is most readily available to them. This is the determining factor in the price of any given brand of dental implants.

The brand itself isn’t, however, the most important thing to remember before getting your next dental implant.

  1. The doctor who performs the procedure matters much more.
  2. What clinical experience do they have?
  3. How extensive is their scientific knowledge?
  4. Does their performance measure up to industry standards? 

Within these questions lies the key to any successful dental implant.

Dental Implants Dr Pepe

As a result, the cost of an implant using the most technologically advanced brands, for the placement a single implant body is 650 US dollars, and for the single implant with crown 1,350.00 US dollars in our clinic.

This can be paid off in 3 to 6 interest-free monthly payments, meaning that anyone can resolve their dental troubles with today’s most cutting-edge technology. The best place in Mexico to get a dental implant is Dentist in Mexico This dental clinic has more than 15 years of experience performing successful dental implants in one of Mexico’s best kept secrets—San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. Its cool weather makes San Cristobal perfect for a successful recovery, and its charming colonial style makes it an ideal tourist destination. For the best options at the best prices, come to Dentist in Mexico where you can find the country’s best brands and most skilled doctors.

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